
Presentation of the project of Leonid Batalov in the tower of the Palace of Culture. I. I. Lepse
In the Materials of Hospitality project, hospitality is seen as a relationship between nomads and the host. In the course of travel and good-neighbourly relations, people often ask for help, give away and share both things that are dear to themselves, and things that have lost (for the giving party) meaning. During the work on the project, Leonid was the same traveler who turns to the townspeople for help. As a result of this interaction with the people of Vyksa, he creates his own temporary housing and invites everyone to visit his "home".

Leonid Batalov
Leonid architect, interdisciplinary artist. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Architecture, during his studies he trained at the Moscow bureau "Meganom". He is engaged in the design of small architectural forms, participates in the creation of scenery for events and cinema, participates in exhibitions.

In 2018, he worked at the Max Nuñez architectural firm in Chile, where he did a competition project for a hotel in Patagoni, and later worked as a carpenter on a farm. There he laid his first roof, learned how to restore furniture and build wooden houses. This experience, according to Leni, shortened the distance between design and construction.

Last summer, on the basis of the training space "Audience", he organized a research laboratory. The participants studied how a person can organize his autonomous habitat, observing himself and others, understanding how it is possible to adapt the surrounding space to himself. "It turned out that if you combine manual work and design, then interaction with the world around is easier and faster. You start treating architecture like painting, and you get the opportunity to design in the moment," says Leonid. As a result of this laboratory, 5 art objects were installed in Moscow.
Participant of the De-Profundis group exhibition at the Golubitskaya Art Foundation, author of the study "alternative history of the Taman Peninsula" about how local residents see its past.