2021-09-17 11:00

Program of presentation of art residence projects «Vyksa» at Cosmoscow

In the first block, we will talk about the residence as a house of artists and an urban public space where artists live and where lectures, film screenings, holidays, exhibitions, excursions take place. For the first time, the project of the new building of the art residence, which will open in 2022, will be presented.

The second block is dedicated to the numerous participants of the residence and their projects, and through them - about the city, its way of life, culture and hospitality of local residents.

The topic of hospitality will also be the main topic in the third block of the Cosmoscow Talks public program. The residence announces the international conference "The Art and Practice of Hospitality", which will be held in Vyksa on November 25-28. Irina Sedykh, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the OMK-Uchastiye Foundation, and Alisa Bagdonaite, Curator of the Vyksa Art Residence, will take part in the public program.