2021-10-09 17:00

Lecture by Alexander Vileikis "Beyond Nature: How to Bewitch the World After the Industrial Revolution"


October 9, 05:00 PM

The Vyksa Art Residence invites everyone to a lecture by Alexander Vileikis "Beyond Nature: How to Bewitch the World After the Industrial Revolution", in the Ex Libris space at 7 Lenina Street.

During the lecture, the guests with Alexander will be able to speculate about how the industrial revolution has bewitched the world and why is it necessary to bewitch it back? Also, let's find out where the philosophical explanation of nature becomes art and comes into contact with everyday life? We will discuss modern approaches to understanding the environment presented by Bruno Latour, Timothy Morton, Donna Haraway, Felix Guattari and others.

Vileikis's lecture will be the announcement of the parallel program of the exhibition At the Edge of Nature: Black Forest.

Free admission, registration by link